Smallara 529

Smallara Episode 529: A Giantess Story

Jordan shifted slightly in Sara’s hand as she carried him upstairs, his mind still turning over Tiffany’s words.

A date.

Not even a week into this new life, and somehow, someone had decided he needed to start dating other Littles. And, of course, no one had thought to ask him how he felt about it. Just like so many other things, decisions were being made around him—about him—without his input. It was infuriating. But more than that, it was humiliating.

“You know,” he said as Sara stepped into her room, “I don’t remember agreeing to this.”

Sara hummed as she set him down on her desk. “To what?”

“This… date. With Kelli.”

“Oh, that.” Sara waved a hand dismissively as she grabbed a hairbrush. “You already met her yesterday. You two got along fine.”

“That’s not the point, Sara.” Jordan crossed his arms. “You guys are treating me like a kid being set up on a playdate.”

Ellie flopped onto Sara’s bed, grinning as she stretched out. “That’s the fun part. Besides, it’s good for you to meet more Littles. Expand your tiny little world.”

Jordan scowled. “You do realize I used to date, right? Like, normal dating, where I actually asked people out?”

Ellie propped herself up on her elbows. “Oh, yeah? Who was the last girl you asked out?”

Jordan opened his mouth, then sighed. “Emily Brooks.”

Ellie rolled her eyes. “We know, Jordy. You and Ms. Brooks. We’ve been over this.”

Sara smirked. “Yeah, we’ve known forever. You act like it’s some big reveal.”

Ellie grinned. “Though, it does explain why she’s extra stiff around you in class. She’s either really over it or really not over it.”

Jordan groaned, rubbing his face. “That’s not the same and you know it.”

Sara sat down at her desk, glancing at him. “I get it, Jordy. I do. But Kelli’s had a rough time adjusting, just like you. You guys have a lot in common. I just figured… maybe you could help each other.”

Jordan sighed. He could tell she meant well, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating.

“I just don’t want to be treated like a project,” he muttered.

Sara softened. “You’re not. But I don’t want you to isolate yourself either.”

Ellie grinned again, her teasing tone returning. “Yeah, besides, if you hate it, you can always fake an emergency. I hear Littles are great at playing the victim.”

Jordan shot her a glare, but there was no malice in it. As much as she enjoyed pushing his buttons, there was something comforting about Ellie’s humor. It was the only thing that still felt… normal sometimes.

Still, the thought of this date gnawed at him. Was this just another step toward accepting his new life? Accepting that he wasn’t part of the world he used to know? The idea made his stomach turn.

Ellie noticed his hesitation and propped herself up further on the bed. “Look, Jordy, I know this is weird. But wouldn’t it be nice to talk to someone who actually understands what you’re going through?”

Jordan hesitated. He hadn’t really considered that. Most of his days had been spent surrounded by full-sized people who couldn’t truly relate to his struggles. Even Sara, as much as she tried, would never know what it was like to be so small, so dependent on someone else for nearly everything.

“Maybe,” he admitted, though he still wasn’t convinced.

Sara leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand. “Kelli’s pretty cool. And honestly, she could probably use a friend too. It doesn’t have to be anything serious.”

Jordan let out a long breath, rubbing his temples. “I just… I don’t want to be pushed into something.”

“We’re not pushing,” Ellie said, raising her hands in mock surrender. “Just… nudging.”

Jordan scoffed. “Feels the same from down here.”

Sara chuckled. “Fair. But trust me, if you hate it, you can always just stick close to me and I’ll bail you out.”

That, at least, was a bit reassuring. Sara wasn’t going to throw him to the wolves, even if she was the one orchestrating all of this. Still, it was hard to ignore the ever-present reality that his autonomy was limited. He could protest all he wanted, but ultimately, if Sara and Ellie decided he was going to this date, then that was that.

He looked between the two girls, both watching him with expectant expressions. Finally, he sighed. “Fine. But if it sucks, I get to say ‘I told you so’ for at least a week.”

Ellie grinned. “Deal.”

Sara nodded, satisfied. “Now, let’s get you looking nice for your big night.”

Jordan groaned. “Oh, come on.”

Ellie burst out laughing. “Hey, you agreed. No backing out now, Romeo.”

Jordan sighed again, resigning himself to whatever was coming next. Because really, what choice did he have?

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Lethal Ledgend
3 days ago

1) “Not even a week into this new life, and somehow, someone had decided he needed to start dating other Littles. And, of course, no one had thought to ask him how he felt about it. Just like so many other things, decisions were being made around him—about him—without his input. It was infuriating. But more than that, it was humiliating.” I’m glad we get to see him upset about that it reminds me of early Jordan.

2) “You know, I don’t remember agreeing to this.” – “To what?” – “This… date. With Kelli.” Could this be actual communication?

3.1) “You already met her yesterday. You two got along fine.” Sara, that doesn’t mean he wants to date her.
 3.2) “That’s not the point, Sara.  You guys are treating me like a kid being set up on a playdate.” somewhere between play date and arranged marriage/courtship
 3.3) “That’s the fun part. Besides, it’s good for you to meet more Littles. Expand your tiny little world.” Meet and date are entirely separate matters.

4) “You do realize I used to date, right? Like, normal dating, where I actually asked people out?” well it’s different now, its not just about if Jordan likes the girl, it’s also if Sara likes her, and if Sara and her guardian get along.

5) “Oh, yeah? Who was the last girl you asked out?” – “Emily Brooks.” – “We know, Jordy. You and Ms. Brooks. We’ve been over this.” –  “Yeah, we’ve known forever. You act like it’s some big reveal.” Why ask if she already knew? Was it just to rub salt in the wound?

6) “Though, it does explain why she’s extra stiff around you in class. She’s either really over it or really not over it.”such is the duality of women.

7) “I get it, Jordy. I do. But Kelli’s had a rough time adjusting, just like you. You guys have a lot in common. I just figured… maybe you could help each other.” that doesn’t mean he needs to date her.

8) “I just don’t want to be treated like a project,” then why’d he agree to it in Sara’s biology class.

9) “I hear Littles are great at playing the victim.” some would be, but not on Sara’s level, she’s extremely good at turning things around to make people look at her like she’s hard done by.

10) “Was this just another step toward accepting his new life? Accepting that he wasn’t part of the world he used to know? The idea made his stomach turn.” It would be, and I hope he keeps rebelling.

11) “wouldn’t it be nice to talk to someone who actually understands what you’re going through?” it would, still doesn’t have to be a date.

12.1) “Most of his days had been spent surrounded by full-sized people who couldn’t truly relate to his struggles” and wouldn’t care if they did.
12.2) “Even Sara, as much as she tried, would never know what it was like to be so small” Sara does not fucking try, she actively shut that down when he tried talking ot her about it.

13.1) “We’re not pushing, Just… nudging.” at his size, and social standing a nudge and push would be hard to distinguish.
13.2) “Feels the same from down here.” that’s what I’m saying

14) “Fair. But trust me, if you hate it, you can always just stick close to me and I’ll bail you out.” Will she, or will she leave him in a shitty situation she knows he wants to get away from like he did with Dayton, or Maisy?

15) “That, at least, was a bit reassuring. Sara wasn’t going to throw him to the wolves, even if she was the one orchestrating all of this” He doesn’t know that.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
3 days ago

1) in my opinion this is Sara stepping up trying to do something that is good for Jordan because he cant see the forest before the trees.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 days ago

A) If I thought Sara was doing something wrong I would say but she is being a great not just good material guardian doing what is right for Jordan in his new condition and his seemingly horrible social skills for a good looking guy before and after his infection and his tendencies to shut him self in and veg which is very unhealthy as a new Little who needs to understand the new dynamic of the little world where the roles are switched and some by woman being bigger, stronger and more aggressive then men and men are much smaller and weaker then woman and are expected to do as the woman say. Not knowing this could get himself hurt someday by a little female if for some reason he has to deal with a little town or city.
B) If Jordan doesn’t want to be treated like a child then he needs to stop acting like child and stop fighting and except being a little and all his body changes and little social community changes that go with it. I think the girls are being very kind and patient with a very child like adult in Jordan who stopping around saying I don’t want ah lol. I wouldn’t be surprised if they feed him with a little baby bottle because he is acting like a baby lol.
C) Holding out doing something that will make your life better and happier because of principle is like being in a cult. Makes no sense. Pride keeping you from happiness is the same way.

Last edited 2 days ago by washsnowghost
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 days ago

An Arranged marriage for this world is perfect because the guardians have to get along as well if not better then the littles because of the arrangements that have to be set up for the littles living together and possible little kids and the longer lives of littles and guardians and all the extra expenses that could come up. Ironically my dads parents had a arranged marriage and it worked out great when others they knew didn’t so like everything else it depends on two good people being matched.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
2 days ago

1) J Vader, your days are numbered! Lol JK

I remember that from my high school, I could see Sara doing that.

2) I was shocked and shook. I’m glad he’ll get some more spine in the future, I’m not expecting him to be as spiteful as I am, but I think it’ll be an improvement.

3.2) Very true, at least she didn’t call it a breeding program. 

4) I’d imagine Littles settle for their second or third romantic choice than Guardians. 

5) Oh, Ok.

8) That’s very true, plus if I’m remembering right, she guilt tripped him. 

9) Most girls tend to be.

10) You’re probably right. 

11) I think labels do actually matter, Words have meanings for a reason, that’s why they can hurt, or heal, or really do anything at all.

12.1) but it’s amplified for littles, as most things are.
12.2) Fair assessment, but she’s definitely refused to try previously.

13.2) love it when that happens

14) Just not as good as her opinion of her self implies.

15) That’s had mixed results before. 

Lee Han
3 days ago

“Littles are good at playing the victim”
Ayo wut? What kinda goofy ahh rich soc girl comment is that. Jordan is patient af because I could not imagine losing my entire lively hood, turned into property and be at the mercy, beck and call of someone who has little real world experience in comparison to me. Jordan comes from a working class house and he’s owned by a stuck up teen who sees $1k dollars as a drop in the ocean and her friend is part of a family that runs New York like Boss Tweed in Tammany hall under the guise of philanthropy while this stuff happens and then some. Probably the only time this has ever truly got on my nerves.

Reply to  Lee Han
3 days ago

I agree, Lee. It seems ridiculous that teens would be given this kind of power over real people.

Reply to  Lee Han
3 days ago

True. Sara seems like a mob boss at times.

Reply to  Nodqfan
2 days ago

I think you guys are being way to hard on the new Sara that has changed a lot since the first chapters and being with Chole

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 days ago

Being bad is bad. Embracing the bad is worse. It’s relative. I kinda wanna know the back story of this world vs ours. Because while I understand that people here would definitely exploit others I genuinely believe that in our society our historical struggles would make us more sympathetic. In this world it seems to severely lack sympathy and genuinely be ok with exploitation. If you did on the street interviews I doubt it be the same in both worlds. The nerve comes from a person whose had it easy in a world that seems slightly off from ours be so ok with dominating someone who doesn’t deserve it. There are other stories similar to. Smallara which show a what if the people in charge saw their littles as disabled people. While the strife in this world keeps in going we tend to humanize stories easily.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 days ago

That puts the world in a different perspective. Rome being an empire that was pompous arrogant and authoritarian and slave driven makes a lot more sense and I even then religion in this world seems a lot less serious then ours as if it’s more of just a thing you just kinda vibe with instead of ours where it’s a lot more serious. Even the the US being founded in different way would be pretty interesting. Maybe one day we can see a deep dive into this alternate history. Maybe the US broke away peacefully more like Canada? Or maybe slavery never happened or wars weren’t as big or commonplace? But Rome not falling is really big in the historical sense and would have a major impact on the world both economically and political. That’s would be seriously interesting to hear about as your stories also seem to heavily discuss class as well.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 days ago

Also at what points in the story is the Roman empire mentioned. I’m curious to go back and see.

Lee Han
Reply to  Asukafan2001
3 days ago

Could we potentially see an entire alt world historical timeline? Maybe latin is the lingua franca and Rome is still dominant. This is way interesting and can really help build the world up through a solid historical foundation. Hell I already have a head canon.

Reply to  Lee Han
2 days ago

In my humble opinion you don’t want to mess with the similarity to much because it makes the relatability of the smallara world to ours less and harder for readers to guess what they would do in the same instance. Messing with history gets political which is no fun at all.