Smallara 530

Smallara Episode 530: A Giantess Story

Jordan sighed, running a hand through his hair as he sat cross-legged on Sara’s dresser, watching the girls rifle through clothing. It wasn’t even 8 AM, and yet Sara and Ellie were already deep into planning for an event that was only hours away. The absurdity of it all made him shake his head.

“So, you guys just…leave school whenever you feel like it?” he asked, eyeing Sara suspiciously.

Sara, standing in front of her closet, barely looked back at him as she pulled out a red top and held it against herself in the mirror. “It’s not really skipping if we have permission.”

Ellie smirked from her perch on Sara’s bed, flipping through her phone. “Yeah, we’re not exactly delinquents, Jordy. We just have priorities.”

Jordan crossed his arms. “Right. Priorities that don’t include education?”

Sara rolled her eyes, tossing the red top onto her bed before reaching for another. “Look, it’s not like we’re failing. Chloe’s parents don’t care, mine don’t care, and as long as we keep our grades up, no one else cares either.”

Jordan huffed. “I don’t know. You’re always going on about responsibility, but this seems pretty irresponsible.”

Ellie snickered. “Oh, please. The Responsibility Master has spoken.”

Jordan shot her a look. “I just thought you’d be more…” he trailed off, searching for the right word.

“Boring?” Ellie supplied helpfully.

Sara laughed. “Predictable?”

Jordan groaned. “Forget it.”

Sara finally turned toward him, arms crossed. “Relax, Jordy. If it makes you feel better, we’re not just bailing for fun. We’re going to Chloe’s because she and Mallory are throwing the party tonight.”

Jordan arched an eyebrow. “I know. I have a date with Kelli, remember?”

Ellie grinned. “Oh, right! Look at you, big man, getting all fancy with his not a date, date.”

Jordan rolled his eyes. “It’s not a date.”

“A date at the party,” Sara corrected with a smirk. “So, yeah, you’re definitely going.”

Jordan exhaled, shifting slightly. He wasn’t thrilled about the party, but he had agreed to meet Kelli, and part of him was curious about spending time with another Little. Still, that didn’t mean he liked how little control he had over the situation.

“A get-together that requires skipping half a day of school?”

Ellie shrugged. “Details.”

Jordan frowned. He had a sinking feeling about this. Any social event involving full-sized people sounded like a logistical nightmare. “I still don’t like this.”

Sara gave him an exaggerated gasp. “Jordy! Of course, you’re going. You’re the guest of honor!”

Jordan blinked. “I’m what?”

Ellie snorted. “She’s kidding. Kind of. But yeah, you’re going.”

“I don’t remember agreeing to that.”

Sara stepped closer, placing her hands on her hips as she towered over him. “Well, as your guardian, I kind of get to make those decisions.”

Jordan clenched his jaw. “I am still a person, you know.”

Sara softened, reaching down to gently pet his arm with her fingertip. “I know, Jordy. But trust me, you’ll have fun. It’s just some close friends.”

Jordan sighed, rubbing his temples. “I feel like I should be more worried about this.”

“You worry too much,” Ellie said, waving him off. “Now, what should Sara wear for this very important school-ditching mission?”

Jordan rolled his eyes as the girls returned to their wardrobe debates. He had a feeling this party was going to be more trouble than they were letting on.

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1 day ago

So Sara is a delinquent now, responsability master my ass. She can fuck right off.

Last edited 1 day ago by Nodqfan
Reply to  Nodqfan
1 day ago

If skipping class or school makes you a delinquent I guess i fall into that category myself

J - Vader
J - Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 day ago

Gasp not you Auska ?!!!! WHY!!!!!!

Reply to  J - Vader
1 day ago

It’s never been that big if a deal atleast around where i live in Minnesota. We even had an open campus.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 day ago

lucky lol

Reply to  Asukafan2001
22 hours ago

even though I live in Seattle, my dads family is from the Midwest and my brother and I are packer share holders lol. don’t hold it against me lol.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 day ago

I’m right their with you bother, but if we are delinquents I would like to see the sorry sacks that are not lol. They must have life passing them by.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  washsnowghost
11 hours ago

I never cut class. Not because I overvalued it, but because there was just no point in doing so for me.

I grew up on a farm and went to school in a small rural village, so there wasn’t anything I could do.

Couldn’t hang out with friends cause I had too few of them.

Couldn’t go to the shops because if a school student went in during school hours without a guardian, they’d be kicked out and told to “get back to class”

Couldn’t walk home because it was a 10-minute drive away, and I had a stay-at-home mother who wouldn’t want me skipping school even if I could get home

Couldn’t go swimming in the river because it was full of Salt Water Crocodiles (and there was a local legend that a handful of students who learned that the hard way.)

Reply to  Nodqfan
1 day ago

As a very educated person, High school for the most part is set up for the lower % of students then the normal students. I felt that in High school and college so I feel like Sara, the bottom line is work with in the rules and make sure your grades are fine. At work is different because you are getting paid to show up everyday but school your parents and then you are paying to be there so not showing up if you have something more important is more then fine because you are only going to be young once. I took days off for concerts all the time and I am so glad I did because I grew up in the time of grunge in the Seattle area and it will never happen again.

J - Vader
J - Vader
1 day ago

I’m back !!!!! Sorry work has been crazy but I’m back

Thoughts on this weeks chapters are great and glad Jordan is voicing his opinions and thought about topics regarding his life and trying to find some normalcy in his life still

And I also see Jordan is still being a BITCH ! About going on a date with Kelli !!!! God damn it Jordan !! And I saw that comment about blaming me for the Jordan X Kelli movement Asuka !!!! Well you know what ?! … I’ll gladly take that blame because bro needs to man up and get some little action if you know what I mean …Giggity 😏

And you know what I’m going to tell him right now excuse me

**At Sara house as Jordan and Sara it breakfast**

Portal opens – J-Vader walks through with the Spider-Man 2099 theme

“Who the hell are you?” Jordan says

As J-Vader walks up to him and slaps him the face and grabs him by the shirt !!

“ARE YOU CRAZY !” Jordan yells

J-Vader slaps him again


“I don’t to…respond to that” Jordan says confused

J-Vader slaps him again

“ ARE YOU A BITCH ?!” J-Vader ask

“I don’t think so …?” Jordan says confused

J-Vader slaps him again

“ARE…YOU…A ..BITCH ?!!” J-Vader ask again

“NO!!” Jordan yells


Finally lets go and walks back to the portal but stop and points at Sara

“ YOU!” He says

“uhhh” Sara says still confused about what is happening

“You’re doing good keep it up 👍” he says giving her a thumbs up and goes through the portal returning to his world

Both Sara and Jordan are confused about what happened.


Any way as I was saying great job dude can wait to see what happens next

Reply to  J - Vader
1 day ago

lol that was funny. Jordan probably needed that pep talk.

J - Vader
J - Vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 day ago

Damn right he did

Reply to  J - Vader
1 day ago

Hell yeah brother lol.

Reply to  J - Vader
1 day ago

bless you Vader for pushing the Jordan Kelli hook up. I am so into them being together too and I said the same thing. Jordan is being a bitch that Whacks off instead of hanging with woman. LOL

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - Vader
1 day ago

So, this implies that in the Smallara world, you’d be Jordan-sized (aka a Little).

I love how Sara sits back and just watches Jodan get smacked around by a complete stranger, exactly how I assumed she’d react.

Lethal Ledgend
1 day ago

1) “So, you guys just…leave school whenever you feel like it?” that’s pretty normal teen behaviour. We call it wagging school in Australia, and about half of students admit to doing it at least once.

2.1) “It’s not really skipping if we have permission.” –  “Yeah, we’re not exactly delinquents, Jordy. We just have priorities.” Permission from who? Does Tiffany know they’re skipping, or Rose?

3) “Look, it’s not like we’re failing. Chloe’s parents don’t care, mine don’t care, and as long as we keep our grades up, no one else cares either.” apathy is not permission.

4) “I don’t know. You’re always going on about responsibility, but this seems pretty irresponsible.” Jordan’s right, and they don’t really have an argument here.

5) “I just thought you’d be more…” –  “Boring?” – “Predictable?” – “Forget it.” Predictability would be a comfort, especially for someone like Jordan and from someone who likes displaying that she doesn’t need to tell Jordan anything.  Though it’s probably wise he dropped the issue.

6.1) “He wasn’t thrilled about the party, but he had agreed to meet Kell” It’s good he’s keeping his word.
6.2) “part of him was curious about spending time with another Little. Still, that didn’t mean he liked how little control he had over the situation” a fair internal issue to have about the situation.

7) “Any social event involving full-sized people sounded like a logistical nightmare” That’s very true, this part will mostly be with students who have likely seen Littles before though, since it’s a rich kid school with at least a few Littles floating around.

8) “Jordy! Of course, you’re going. You’re the guest of honor!” – “She’s kidding. Kind of. But yeah, you’re going” Very curious to know what she means by that.

9) “I am still a person, you know.” –  “I know, Jordy. But trust me, you’ll have fun. It’s just some close friends.” She doesn’t know, she’s just trying to manipulate him

10) “I feel like I should be more worried about this.” – “You worry too much.” They don’t give him much reason not to.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 day ago

part of my likes this a lot because I’ve always been a big partyer but I do worry about Mal being involved because she tends to dismiss littles very quickly and I could see Gavin being put in a horrible position seeing guys hit on her and ask her to dance and there is nothing he can do because she would shut him down and say he was being the old him if he said anything.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 hours ago

1) Private school students aren’t above wagging.

2 & 3) So they have those “cool parents” I’ve heard rumours about.

4) There have been plenty that’ happened behind Tiff’s back, it’s probably a relief for her to know this.

5) Definitely not his preference.

6) He just wants more autonomy.

7) He probably won’t get grabbed at by fascinated strangers, It’s easy to assume that they’d all assume that Jordan has a similar set of rules that Gavin would have for people interacting with him.

8) I do tend to do that, but with a title like “Guest of Honour” I couldn’t help myself.

10) He is, but if she wants him to worry less, she needs to earn his trust not demand he not worry or criticise him for doing so.