The voices of Dayotn and Nicolle talking about what to do next were loud. They seemed to envelop everything around Jordan as he clung to the canvas loop on Dayton’s shoe. The girl seemed oblivious to the fact he had hitched a ride. It was one of the few things that seemed to go correctly in this escape attempt.
Jordan found it troubling though that this escape attempt had only highlighted his lack of true options in all of this. The last choice he truly got to make was when he fled his home to try to get help. Even though it was just several days ago now. It feels like it was part of another life.
He wondered how things would have been different if he stayed in his home. Emily had said she came to check on him. Would she have found him? Would he have been reunited with her? A part of him still wishes that it could happen. However, with how his life has unfolded that doesn’t seem like a possibility.
Now his life involves him hiding from two middle schoolers because they bullied him away from his teenage guardian. The whole thing sounds crazy. Jordan thought to himself as Dayton lifted her foot and took a half step before her other foot swiped across the grass. As she did so Jordan saw something out of his nightmares swoop into the air.
Dayton’s search for him had caused several mosquitos to fly into the air. One of which started flying not just toward Dayton but him. It was like a German shepherd with wings. Jordan felt the blood rush from his face as he locked eyes with the massive insect. At his prior size, they were an annoyance. Now though, he suspected one could be deadly. He had no clue exactly how much blood he had but the size of it could prove to be deadly.
Images of the giant insect landing on his back and he realized he didn’t even know how mosquitos took blood. He just swatted at them right away and moved on with his life. Jordan pictured in his head a bee-like stinger piercing his tiny body and pumping the blood right out of him. Another thought was the mosquito just biting into him and sucking him dry like some kind of vampire.
“This was a mistake. I should have just gone to them right away and let them use me as some kind of stunt driver.” Jordan said to himself as he took one arm and tried to swat at the mosquito but he was unsure how much strength it had in comparison to him. He suspected with the force of its flying it would be stronger.
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